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Mary Abbott
Ruth Abrams
Ruth Armer
Milton Avery
Alice Baber
Katherine Barieau
Hannelore Baron
Henrietta Berk
Harry Bertoia
Janice Biala
Bernice Bing
Norman Bluhm
Dusti Bongé
James Brooks
Lawrence Calcagno
Nicolas Carone
Giorgio Cavallon
Herman Cherry
Edward Corbett
Amilcar de Castro
Jay DeFeo
Dorothy Dehner
Elaine de Kooning
Robert De Niro Sr.
Jose de Rivera
Lynne Drexler
Ralph Du Casse
Edward Dugmore
Amaranth Ehrenhalt
Claire Falkenstein
Lilly Fenichel
Herbert Ferber
Perle Fine
Oskar Fischinger
Helen Frankenthaler
Dorothy Fratt
Jane Freilicher
Sonia Gechtoff
Sidney Geist
Michael Goldberg
Sidney Gordin
David Hare
Grace Hartigan
Hans Hofmann
John Hultberg
Buffie Johnson
Lester Johnson
Helen Khal
Franz Kline
Ida Kohlmeyer
Albert Kotin
Lee Krasner
Ibram Lassaw
Alfred Leslie
Norman Lewis
Seymour Lipton
Zoe Longfield
Robert Loughlin
Helen Lundeberg
Conrad Marca-Relli
Emily Mason
Mercedes Matter
Howard Mehring
Joan Mitchell
Jan Müller
Emiko Nakano
Louise Nevelson
Kenzo Okada
Eric Orr
Charlotte Park
Betty Parsons
Pat Passlof
Jane Piper
Richard Pousette-Dart
Melville Price
Deborah Remington
Milton Resnick
James Rosati
Tony Rosenthal
Theodore Roszak
Judith Rothschild
Ludwig Sander
Edith Schloss
Ethel Schwabacher
Sonja Sekula
David Slivka
Richard Stankiewicz
Hedda Sterne
Yvonne Thomas
Jack Tworkov
Esteban Vicente
Ruth Wall
Michael Corrine West
Manoucher Yektai
Jack Youngerman
Wilfrid Zogbaum